Sunday, May 31, 2009

Nothing's working....

Last day of the comes June..happy holidays!....LOL...still,today's boring...again....nothing to do...and still no reply T_T??><"haiz...

actually today went to cut hairXD....look out for the kid with spiky

Saturday, May 30, 2009


today...too tired to do anything...the sms i received were all not the ones i expected...sadly luh..haiz...y nvr reply???...k nvm le..

Goin almost dead,LOL

Yesterday didn't post...too tired...felt like fainted...8.30+ slept till 4pm today woke up!...k yesterday's story...

Had sports carnival...i nvr participate so i go do photography duty...LOL...first took Captain's event was 3-legged between something happen...not gonna post here...until the last event,i already felt damn hot and's y the exaushtion lasted till the night...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Extra sadness...

Received results today....17 in class...>< primary1 reg no.... haha...can still rmb le...54 in level...really not my expectations....add to tat,tmr is the last day of sch T_T....sad sia...haiz...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Right here waiting always

Today had maths&science wasn't tat tiring as i slack...almost fell asleep...after sch,CCA was cancel...woohoo...haha...lazy go also...last week of sch anyway...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Pet rocket...that's the activity today in sch...made a rocket out of 1.5L did fly but not as targeted...kinda tiring...had to drink abt 1L of coke in 5mins jus to get the nvm feeling sick abit...the coke had sleeping pill or something cos i felt sleepy till now after drinking it...somemore tmr Maths&Science day...more tiring...den still got CCA somemore...><..haiz...

Btw,i tink this month's code is completed...if any1 can find it luh...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Explaining myself...

Why do i hav to experience problems when i'm in a good mood? i still don get the ans...wat should i really do in sch actually??? jus a simple greeting also like killing me...Jus smile and admire...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Same as before...

today,friday....had IPP test....walao i haven't finish covering up the window then announcement say SCDF cleared off
Then after sch,2E1 had their class party...didn't went in as i don really feel tat invited...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

At times,it is hard le...

Sometimes,it does seems hard to speak to someone or even jus say hi...k maybe the problem is jus me....haiz...and i also cannot resist and melted....tat's another thing luh...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Extracted from smiles

i like yesterday actually...i also like's smiles in the heart all the way...Smiles!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Like a piece of cake???

Today,slacking day....nothing to do....lessons boring...after sch,also back some exam papers to be sign...Xin xiu finally create a facebook and today's her sch marking day...hope her results will be good XD....better than mine? we'll see abt tat....haha...
To Xin Xiu: And btw,if u view my blog,do leave a tag leh...LOL

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Putting my mind right... abt today...nothing happened anyways...haha...jus bored staying at home so here i am posting...looks i getting forgetful...i like keep concentrating on one thing den forgot abt other thing...den in the end i was like "wtf la"??? who to blame? myself la duh><"...k going to 10 already...i still haven't do my ML hw...after exam still got hw sia...
sometimes,i do feel the feeling of being irritated and the feeling of anger like scolding and shouting at them...but then...i jus keep it...wat's the use of scolding? The thing tat i may have to be worry abt is when i keep it,who will be the ones to take out on when i can't control anymore and let it out? I don wan ppl to be scolded or hurt for no reason by me! i really donno how...i nd someone to talk to...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Everything abt today...

Today,the whole morning boring...all slack....also got to know history results...i tink it was 56 or 59 out of 100><...haiz...pass can liao lor...after sch,had ICT test...joined was like awkward coming into the room...donno y...nexting i know i was sitting beside Jiali...done the test quite well though but wat do u know,the printer don like doesn't wan to print-.-"??? k nvm...helped Alif with the graph and also Jiali...actually many ppl needed help though...although it's test,we can still talk and help each other sia...LOL...nvm la...every1 pass can already...after tat went MCD,buy food take away and ate while going Kampong Chai Chee play everyday go play sia...better den staying at home wat...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

My results so far...

walao....results sucks like wat la...core subject get so poor....maths 69/100 science 61/100 wtf...then electives get so high... geog 85/100 and lit 60/80...wat the hell is wrong this year???-.-"

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Exactly,what's going on?

Today,posts will still no have codes cos i lazy la....somemore now in com lab le....
Got back my Science and Geography ok la-.-" got 61/100
BUT...Geography was shocking...i was like WTF??? 85/100!!! sia...i nvr even study fully i get second in class ><...lucky only la...haiz...k gtg teacher walking around already...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

That's it?? No more?

ok..........Today,as usual, nothing much...went to ICAS Science...the paper quite ok la...can survive...den go MCD it...and again met Asyilah...went to Kampong Chai Chee CC play badminton...stayed thr and bored till 6.30 signing off here,nothing much to say....

Friday, May 8, 2009

A very nice day i don post codes in this post...lazy la...maybe in the next i will...
Today was the last day of exam! Yeah
BUT><....i will still die on the day when results coming nothing rained after Homec paper...walked in the rain...And then, The THUNDER BOOMED....LOL...damn loud sia...k nvm...when home to change and when out again...rained stopped abit...
Stopped by Kampong Chai Chee CC and found 2E1 friends playing badminton...wat am i doing thr??? Jus passingby^^...

Thursday, May 7, 2009


For today...history was bad...
Only to find the ones i studied nvr come out...
Revised last minute for nothing...
Extra work should be done-.-" least Maths was ok
Very easy though but then cannot be complacent><
Equiped with everything i need,thr's no drawing or graphs
Riding on a bumpy road le...walao

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tomorrow I am Dead...

Lazying around now....tmr
Only abt 3 hrs till midnight and tat's all i hav...
Very less ppl online now...all too busy studying...
Everythings comes to this moment...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

One paper today...

Science was today and we had to do in class-.-
Must we really have to worry much abt Swine Flu???? WTF..
I tink we do=.="...
Lastly,at least today was ok..met a fren at MCD...did some catching up...
Exam tmr is Geography and ML Listening Compre,I THINK i can do it...

Monday, May 4, 2009

Not Good T_T...

I tink today's paper was ok...
Getting ready for tmr's science paper...
Nothing better to do than online...LOL...
Only to check my mails and post this...
Resulting me not to study...ok,maybe i will...LATER
Enjoying this time i have to online though,
Damn i still need go memorise my notes-.-

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Only Maths and Literature

Damn...tmr's maths and lit...
Only 2 "my ace"subject -.-

Not only tat i studied for only 1 hour...
Only to find out that there is not much to do...
There a week for exam left only...jus hang on...

Left to worry is history and geography...
Extra work should be done???-.-
As if la....LOL
Value every single minute thr is...
Engaging in wat i can

Must i really study tat hard?><
Explaining to myself is kinda werid...><"

Friday, May 1, 2009

Death Trap...

It's going to be exam for the whole week...

Like i study like tat...
Oh,I tink i i typing...
Very stressed inside...wth...
Every subject tat is left needed to be memorised...

Yup,yes they do..
Or else wat am i gonna do? Study for hours?
Until the day i fail all my subjects i'll do tat...